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Note: the graphics are still under development, so the visuals may not represent the final product and all that jazz..

Today while browsing the web, I realized I’ve compiled quite a list of useful and inspiring bookmarks over the months. So I thought it might be a good idea to save you trouble (or deprive you of the joy of discovery, depending how you look at it, I suppose) by sharing some of these. I think I’ll add these as a link list to the side column at some point. But in the meantime, here we go:

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Things might change and move around a bit, as I’m gently re-planting my blog still in its’ sprout phase from Blogger to WordPress and getting accustomed to the new platform. Feels like home, right away. The header image is part of the background for one of the scenes in the game – the first image related to the game I’ve posted online.

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After a few days of rest, some winter sports, watching movies and gaming (finally got time to pick up and complete Mass Effect from my pile of shame) today it was back to work-away-from-work. I found and fixed some bugs and made some other minor improvements here and there, and as a bigger task started to put together the second scene for the game. For cut-scene inspiration, I spent some time browsing sites of a few graphic novel projects and found a couple of tools, Flatten and MultiFill plug-ins for Photoshop which I have to try out.

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My name is Juho, this is my blog.

The plan is to post updates and share my thoughts on my one-man project, an iPhone game I’ve been spending my spare time for the last eight-nine months developing. The game will be an episodic point-and-click (or rather just point or tap, being an iPhone game?) adventure game, or an interactive comic book of sorts, with hand-drawn graphics and animation – just like back in the day.

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