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Mr. Hitchcock
On June 16th, it was 50 years since the original Psycho hit the silver screen. A groundbreaking movie back then, a must-see still today.

Another lazy blog update, a recent character sketch drawing. Clearly too realistic in style to fit the rest of the game, but no worries – this is just one of the early iterations on this character.

Early sketch - finished character design

Update: Here also I added the final character design for comparison, more in style with the rest of the comic panels I’m drawing.

Haven’t had time for proper blog updates for a while, so I thought I’d just post something I’m working on.

Initial sketch and the finished drawing.

Update: I added the final drawing for side-by-side comparison. The first few coloring attempts were way too realistic and complex, the final one has far fewer tones, with simpler shading and highlights for that more comicy look.

I have a sketchbook full of all kinds of sketches from quick doodles to character studies, iPhone interaction diagrams and user interface wireframes. There’s also a lot of messy handwriting, from plot outlines to character descriptions, names and lines of dialog. The sketchbook is where almost every idea for the adventure game first starts to find its form. Scene graphics are no different. In this post, I’m illustrating the development of a scene, especially the visuals, from the first sketch to the almost finalized graphics. In order to spoil as little as possible, I chose a scene already seen in one of the screenshots.

Initial sketch
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Akira Kurosawa